These aren't the greatest pics (only have my phone right now) but you get the idea! :) Still have quite a bit of decorating to do, so I'll try to post some more after this weekend! Hopefully it will be 100% complete by then!
Hi! Nikki's the name, Mommy's the game! Now back at work out of the home after 4 years, I have found even more pleasure in handmade, homemade and DIY... I love creating something by hand and from scratch. I'm a lover of cheese, coffee, good pinot grigio, hot baths, my son's giggles, organic ingredients, flats, leggings, nail polish, the Seahawks and really delicious bath and body products. I dislike over processed foods, scratchy yarn and unnatural ingredients, so don't plan on finding any 'cream of blahblahblah' included in my recipes! ;) Thanks for visiting and please say hello!
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