Thursday, June 25, 2009

With a heavy heart...

I belong to a few message boards on That's where a lot of you know me from.

Over the past few weeks, our July 2009 board has experienced more than a few losses. Mothers who are full term or almost full term are losing their babies. It just makes me so sad to think of the mommies who are going home without their beautiful babies.

I've worried about my baby from the very beginning. Maybe this is because I'm a natural worrywart anyway. I worry about everything in my day to day life. I worry every time my husband gets on his motorcycle. I worry about my dad and husband at work (electrician and commercial carpenter.) I worry about everyone I love and even things I can't control.

Hearing about all of these losses puts so many emotions into swing for me. First and foremost, I'm sad. I wish I could take the pain away from all these women who've gone through these terrible tragedies. I feel like I want to do something, anything, for them. I also feel that worry creep up... I'll be considered full term as of this upcoming Sunday and I can't help but think that maybe Max and I are next. I can't imagine losing my son, especially when we're so close to bringing him into this world. I get scared for myself, as we had a loss of a September mommy, who passed away because of a blood clot and they couldn't save her baby, either.

So many heartbreaking stories...

I guess we just need to remember to live each day as if it were our last. To tell those we love how we feel before it's too late. To let our loved ones know how important they are to us before we can't tell them anymore. To spend as much time with the people we love and who love us, because you never know when they'll be taken from us.

I dedicate this post to all the mothers and babies who've been taken too soon. My thoughts and prayers are with your families and I only hope that you find strength in your loved ones and in God.

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